
The truth is that HGH improves mental health for many people suffering from human growth hormone deficiency.

Some hormones do impact cognitive and emotional functions. The truth is that HGH improves mental health for many people who are deficient in the hormone somatotropin. Also called growth hormone (GH) or human growth hormone (HGH), somatropin has a tremendous impact on many of the cognitive functions we take for granted.

When you have low levels of HGH, mental health can suffer in numerous ways, as shown below:

  • Feeling of foggy-headedness or in a daze
  • Difficulty shutting off the mind and falling asleep at night
  • Waking up groggy or tired
  • Having trouble concentrating
  • Inability to focus attention on more than one thing at a time
  • Impaired mental processing and calculations
  • Memory lapses and forgetfulness
  • Feelings of depression
  • Increased anxiety, restlessness, irritability, and stress
  • Mood swings, sadness, crying for no apparent reason
  • Socially isolating oneself from others

These are just the changes you can notice. There are still other cognitive issues going on deep inside your brain that can have damaging effects for the rest of your life. The fact is that there are so many receptors of HGH – cells that function only when somatotropin binds to them – in the brain that a shortage in this hormone can have dire effects on mental and emotional well-being. You always can get a free consultation with a hormone specialist to know every aspect of the treatment, all pros, and cons.

Impact of Low HGH on Emotional Health

Emotional well-being has everything to do with hormones. The connection between HGH and mental health begins with somatotropin’s ability to increase dopamine and B-endorphin levels. Dopamine helps protect against feelings of anxiety and stress. B-endorphins act as anti-depressants.

The impact of HGH on emotional health is both direct and indirect. When HGH receptors do not receive their expected signal, the anticipated functions do not occur. That means the direct influence of HGH to help produce crucial hormones and endorphins that help regulate mood does not occur.

Indirectly, HGH improves mental health by ensuring that you get the proper amount and quality of sleep each night. When HGH levels are low, the body compensates by increasing the amount of cortisol in the bloodstream. Cortisol (stress hormone) keeps both HGH and testosterone levels low by increasing the release of inhibiting hormones. Additionally, cortisol keeps your mind and body on high alert well into the late evening hours, making it difficult to relax and fall asleep. Cortisol also stimulates ghrelin, the hunger hormone, into action. Ghrelin will cause you to overeat for added energy since you are also tired. Overeating or indulging in too much sugar can cause mental spikes and weight gain – both areas that mess with emotional well-being.

Benefits of HGH for Cognitive Abilities

It is the benefits of HGH for cognitive functions that far outweigh everything other than cellular regeneration as the primary reason you should maintain healthy growth hormone levels. No discussion about how HGH improves mental health is complete without discussing dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and traumatic brain injury.

Here are some of the ways HGH influences brain functions:

  • HGH increases protease inhibitors that prevent apoptosis (cellular death) of brain cells associated with aging;
  • Human growth hormone promotes neurogenesis – the growth of new brain cells – for neuroprotective benefits on the brain (extremely helpful in cases of traumatic brain injury and opiate abuse);
  • HGH helps renew dendrite connections crucial for communication between neurons in the brain;
  • Growth hormone aids in the elimination of free radicals that activate proteases (damaging enzymes) that cause cellular death.

Studies have shown impairment in memory and cognitive functioning in patients with growth hormone deficiency. The use of HGH for mental health and cognitive decline provides the following well-tested benefits:

  • Better concentration
  • Improved cognitive functions
  • Sharper and faster memory recall
  • Faster processing speed
  • Enhanced verbal learning
  • Increased focus
  • Improved mental calculations

It is clear that the brain needs HGH as much, if not more, than the rest of the body. Since HGH receptor cells can be found on tissues throughout the body and brain, a deficiency can lead to widespread problems. Treatment with HGH therapy can replace what the body does not provide.

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